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Sunday, May 20, 2018

It's funny how people like me tend to remember that I have such a thing as a blog or journal when I have some kind of major ups or downs in my life.

As it was before, I have recently been going under some growing pains, and trying to fight that inner struggle that tries to define my self-worth.

The news flash is I know what I'm worth and I know I have been doing a good job in my own way, but it just may not be a good job from the perspectives of peers and colleagues who expect something else of me. 

I've been trying my very best to be introspective and read into myself, what I have done right or wrong, why I am suffering from such great levels of disdain from my closest colleague etc...

In these 2 days I had a revelation, as hurtful and painful that my colleague's disapproval is to me, she is at least being completely upfront about her unhappiness with me, albeit not sharing the reason for various times of her acting out. 

Her honesty in her reactions, are way better than the silent antagonists, who are not supportive, but still hide behind the mask and facade of a being cordial.

Today a thought came to me. 

As often as the colleagues would bug my friend, perhaps they have been sharing a lot about their opinions on my inadequacy? 

And perhaps my efforts to step up is not good enough?  Or somehow may come across and motivated by anything other than my honest wish to contribute?

In any case any of this is definitely tormenting my friend as much, or maybe more, than it is tormenting me.

I got to learn to do my part better, and be a better contributor.

I scribbled at ;; 5:28 PM

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Blessed.  Only word for how I feel about me, today. 

Am so happy to be so loved and celebrated, by friends, family, colleagues etc etc.

Week long marathon indeed!!  I haven't eaten so much at dinner for so long that it's on the borderline of being uncomfortable... 😆

But hey, even that's a blessing eh?  So many people in the world don't even have anyone to remember their birthdays or have the means to celebrate...

I am so thankful for Meixin, a big constant and support.  And Xinrong, even with her ambivalent hot and cold ways lols...  And Shimin, Catherine, Zhixian, Eunice, Adam, office makan gang, this gang that gang, my team, my buddy team, my team outside of my team, my bosses, my clients, my family...  The more I thank, the more I am reminded that there are so many people to be thankful for.  And that there is so much to thank about.

Thank You Universe for making me me, and for giving me this incomparable life and experience.

Through it all, if I sum up the good and bad, ups and downs, I've drawn a positive, fabulous, fantastic lot in life.

So 32, here I come!

Let's try to Rock the World!!! 😇😈

I scribbled at ;; 7:19 AM

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

If it hurts you to see me happy (with or without you), then see me you shall not...

The last thing I want is to see you unhappy...

Yet happy I am bound to be, for aren't we all in search for our own happiness?

Strangely I am in a interestingly zen place, where I don't hurt as much by your rejection, yet I remain baffled and perturbed by your attitude towards me...

Have I truly done something wrong?

Yet the problem is likely not some faux pas I had committed; the crime had been committed in your mind and perpetuated by your imagination.

Or perhaps the reverse is true. 

By not being able to fully let go of that hurt, and letting go of that relationship, I had driven that stake deeper into my own heart.

Your indifference became a crime, your preferential treatment a torture, and your continual unhappiness in spite it all, a lingering smarting pain...

By my focusing on you, it gives those around me an unfair sense of neglect, and I am sensible enough to know it (and not without experiencing a tinge of guilt)

I don't prefer you, yet I'm still obsessed with you, perhaps cos I really don't wish to write you off as a lost cause in my life.

Is it not a sickness to cry for the moon?

I love you my friend, as much as a friend can love another friend. 

But perhaps it is time for me to store away those shared memories, and focus on the here and now, with the people who are willing and able to share their heart, life and soul with me, rather than looking up at the ice tower where the Princess is trapped by her own emotions about herself...

Time to Let It Go...

I scribbled at ;; 7:10 AM

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I was reading one or two of my last blogs, and wondering how people can change so much and be so much the same over the years.

Mingmei is still Mingmei, with the same challenges, the same hurts, the same pains, yet with a different mindset somehow?

Change creeps up on people, so slowly, so silently, that you wouldn't see the change until you look back on your past.

P/S Old draft of a post that was meant to be up Feb 2014. Finally posted now.

I scribbled at ;; 12:25 AM

Thursday, March 07, 2013

其实我们早就走在两条平行线上, 是我自己傻,以为我们还会有交集。


Goodbye my friend, it was nice knowing you...

I scribbled at ;; 6:06 AM

Saturday, January 07, 2012

It's been a long time since I last blogged, figured now is as good a time as any to continue on with my previous habit.

Sometimes it is good to be able to express oneself and relieve oneself of all the angst and unhappiness one has.

If I don't try to rid myself of all the negativity flowing around in me, it will eat me up slowly but surely...

Perhaps using this medium I can regain some sanity for myself and stop burying myself in videos, books, the unreal world...

I scribbled at ;; 10:47 AM

Friday, January 06, 2012

Sometimes I really can't help but feel like a failure in so many aspects in my life.

My work life, especially in year 2011, is like a car on a slip road, spinning out of control and completely out of focus.

I could feel the toil all the issues and workload were on me, and I simply dragged on, sometimes perhaps without realising that I'm dragging all the people who rely on me down as well.

In my own narcissistic thoughts I believed that others need me very much, and in thinking so I never even dared to dream of leaving at such a time of need.

But who knows, perhaps my departure would have been the best thing to happen to all the colleagues who work around me...

I feel like SUCH a failure and I'm depressed about it but I simply don't know how to actually begin to improve.

Nothing I do seemed to have been enough. I try, I try my hardest to fulfill the needs of the staff under me and everyone is so very accommodating and understanding when I fail in doing so that I'm guilty of taking everyone around me for granted.

Why is it so difficult for me? Why does it seem like I have so much to do? Is it because I am disorganised? Is it because I am a sucker for cases? Is it because I think too highly of myself? Is it because I try to do everything so much so that I end up achieving nothing?

There is unhappiness amongst my people, but I don't know how to make things better, and I won't know how to fix things or take appropriate actions if people don't share with me the truth, or give me constructive feedback on what to do to improve things.

I swivel between being burnt out and crazy, overly sympathetic to complete apathetic, and it pains me that even those that I feel I am close to are only close superficially.

What is real? Who are true friends around me? If we are friends why not tell me what my flaws are?

As painful as it may be to hear what my flaws are, it hurts infinitely more to hear it from a third party.

I wish I could be a better DM. I know I have my limitations and I know I have many moments of weaknesses. I wish I were strong enough to be the roof and shelter for all the staff who work for me and under me but alas, that seems to be a pipedream.

How can I become more effective? How can I be the DM that I truly want to be, one who can CARE and take care of my staff, as I would like to be?

I'm tired, truly so tired, and all the amount of escapism I have done in the last 6 months or so have shown me that I'm not really ok. No amount of escapism can help me to truly escape and there is only one escape route.

I will hold out and still try to stay strong, if only for the sake of the people who still rely on me and still need me.

All the Gods above please give me strength...

I scribbled at ;; 7:09 PM

The Girl


27 going on 70

Craves .

Ice Cream . Freedom . Happiness . Companionship . Restfulness



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