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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Finally came to the part where I talk about the weekend before last!

My God! I am SUCH a PROCRASTINATOR... I can't believe it's been more than a week and I'm only writing about it now...


The weekend before last was my official sushi weekend. Went with Xinrong and Zhixian to town again on that Saturday. Remember that day when I went out with them and Rurus to sing karaoke. Zhixian had spotted this tankini that she quite liked but couldn't really decide whether to buy or not. Had to rush off for tuition that day but not before we arranged to pop down again to decide whether to buy it or not.

Asked Rurus along but she couldn't make it. In the end the three of us winded up eating sushi buffet at Suki Sushi. Was really not bad, had so much fun and laughter I think I kind of scared the Japanese uncle sitting at the table behind us. *chuckles*

Oh! Oh! Before I forget, I passed the evaluation for my Final Theory for driving!! I got 100 marks! Whoppee! I can't even recall when was the last time I had a grade anywhere near there. The thrill of doing well... Ah..... Now I'll just have to pass my Basic Theory Test tomorrow and I can book for my Final Theory and be rid of the studying part of it all. ;p

We walked around the whole day after makan and Zhixian ended up buying a bikini in Espirit instead. The tankini's colours, I personally felt, were just a bit dull for her. The bright and sunshiny one she got really suits her better somehow. =)

Went to G2000 to get Xinrong her office apparel, then we chanced upon a Shape Singapore roadshow. They were offering free makeup. They just had to get the magazine and hand in the form, then wear the Bossini apparel and take a picture. I must say the makeup artist is really good! Their makeup really was very glamorous! I couldn't stop looking at Xinrong's eyes. The makeup was just so... hypnotic.... Didn't try it myself, glad to a certain extent really. Don't think there was anything there of my size but it would have been fun to see what I could end up looking like........


The next day I rushed about after morning tuition to get the remaining stuff I had to buy to make up Jiahui's birthday package. Xinrong still had a bit of her apparel to buy so we met up at Causeway Point with Zhixian and walked about in search of a bottom to match the shirt Zhixian bought and the jacket suit Xinrong was looking out for. At the same time I moved along rapidly to pick up what I could in Woodlands cause I had recced for her gift earlier. Her gift consisted of a red pen, a cushion, a notebook, a chocolate bar and a cane. Yup, that's right, a cane, as in the one that mothers used to use to beat their children. No worries, I'm not encouraging corporal punishment now that she's advancing to NIE, have got reasons for why I chose these gifts.

Red pen (I feel so damn apologetic, in the end I forgot to bao1 it in with the rest of the stuff): To make big red crosses on the students' work when they don't do their work properly
Cushion: Used for hugging when upset or to use as a cushion when in danger of getting a backache
Notebook: Used to write down notes, can be used as journal, good for venting purposes really
Cane: To wave around at home in times of frustration when the kids are getting too much
Chocolate: In case the above gifts are not acceptable, here's a universal gift that should be quite acceptable. My Aunt thought it could be used to sweeten Jiahui up when she's feeling down as well. =)

Peixuan bought a really interesting gift with amusement in mind too. It was a woodpecker that would peck down a pole when one touched it. Really fun gift! I should go to that store she mentioned in Raffles City one day and have a look for myself...

We ate at the Genki Sushi Tokyo Dining. Interesting place really, got very good ambience and looked to be pretty expensive but ended up being still quite affordable. Still, would probably prefer Suki Sushi to it, maybe cause it didn't look to be as high class and it made me feel more relaxed. The fact that it was a buffet also helped I guess, made me less worried about chalking up an expensive bill... *guilty and embarrassed*

In the end, we went to Pacific Coffee to sit down and chat. Love the settees! Still, I can't believe they are so inflexible. Do you know that they do not accept NETS? Isn't Nets the same as cash?! What is a person like me, who has forgotten to draw money, to do when they don't receive nets or my Masters since my purchase was too small? Luckily, Jiahui and Peixuan came to my rescue or it would have been awfully embarrassing and ugly. That is the whole reason why we can never be rid of paper money as there are still merchants out there who refuse to receive anything other than the real thing...

Next would be Peixuan's birthday, that's going to be even more tricky than Jiahui's birthday, better start cracking my head before it's late again....

Side note: Am progressively chalking up my 18 signatures for my POSB debit card. Once I've gotten those 18 I think I can relax and stop making purchases everywhere...

I scribbled at ;; 5:11 AM

Mentioned a meeting of some sort haven't I?

I'm actually a member of a student's club in SIM, the Film and Performing Arts Society (FPA), the ex VP to be exact. Just when I thought that our year was not too great, I worry that this year's batch may end up being worse than we were. Turns out that this year a lot of the people on the committee were more or less coerced and persuaded to come into the comm. Other than that, quite a few work and cannot commit the time required of them to make the orientation a success.

Went to help out in the two day school orientation. Couldn't really believe how little preparation had been done. Luckily somehow we still managed to pull the thing together. Not a great talker to strangers myself, so I didn't really manage to convince too many people. Luckily we have Adrian, Eric, Jason, Peilu even Zizhe on board or we wouldn't have managed to get as many people as we have. Hopefully out of the many who have expressed interest there are enough of them who genuinely want to be in and contribute to the club.

They'll meeting up with Benny to discuss about the play this evening. Hopefully everything goes well. Would very much like to be there but I happen to be teaching today and can't make it This sucks! I always seem to miss the most important meetings.. grrrr.....

~ ponders~

Oh well, perhaps it's better this way. I'm retired after all and shouldn't be so meddling. As much as I would like to help, there is a point where it borders on intruding on their committee. Will provide assistance as and when they need it. =)

Am now only worried about the 29th. Have they got any of the details ironed out at all at the moment? What games have they planned? How long for each game? What time to meet? Where to meet? How many would turn up? What food are they preparing to have? These are but a few basic questions that I would like to know that they have answers to. Hopefully they have started making calls to the freshies to ensure their attendance. If not... Let's just say it would be bad if no one but ourselves are to turn up for this year's Sentosa...

Sigh...... I'm a worrier alright....

I scribbled at ;; 3:57 AM

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I don't think I'm too suited to playing games online. Sigh...

Was introduced into the world of online monopoly by my brother, quite enjoy it but hate it when the opponent is 1)relentless 2) too nice and especially hate it when my game hangs. Was having a great game with a nice person and all of a sudden, my game dies on me. And I could possibly have won that game too! It really sucks for this to happen.

Am now just delaying time before I have to go do my dreaded task. The hanging of clothes.

Teaching at 3 so would have to do it sometime soon, now would be a great time actually. Still, lazy Mingmei is trying to drag it out for a while longer. ;0p

Pouring and pretty cool today so it feels like a perfect day to laze about, hmm.... Better remember to bring a sweater to Timothy's, can be quite cold there with such weather...

No delaying anymore! Must go carry out my mission now! Maybe when I come back I can start to backtrack and talk about last week ya? Tata.....

I scribbled at ;; 4:13 AM

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Went to Yess Salon to get a haircut after my tuition session today.

Though I had not intended to get any stylist in particular to cut my hair, I have to admit I was a little disappointed that Lancelot wasn't around. Seeing that his namecard wasn't there, I thought he no longer worked at the place.

It wasn't that he was exceptionally handsome or anything like that, it was the fact that he was nice to me, even though I was a mere mei4 mei4and probably didn't look like I've got a lot of purchasing power. In my lifetime I have met loads of hairstylists, mostly female, some male, and most are nice but for various specific reasons. For eg, Aunt Liping was nice cause she knows my Mum from way back, Aunt Jennifer was nice because I had always gone to her salon when I was younger. The rest were nice cause they were hoping to push hair products. A few are not even nice. Therefore it struck me when he was so gentle, nice and I guess xi4 xin1 with my hair. Not only did he not push the products, when I asked for recommendations for hair products he seemed to hesitate and didn't recommend much. It felt like he knew I probably didn't have too much money and was thinking to help me save money...

Zhixian mentioned once that there are many cases whereby there are girls who find themselves liking their male hairstylists, I suppose I do like him, but not in the same way lah. I like him in the way that I'd probably always trust him with my hair. ;)

Turns out Lancelot's off to Australia to work. He must be really pretty good to be sent overseas to work I guess. I wish him success in his work!

The lady who cut my hair today was Linda. Guess what! She was the assistant manager! Wow! I didn't realise that I was so lucky. In any case, I'm pretty happy with my hair now. It's getting a little bit more pong4, think some time next month I'd probably want to get it rebonded again. Sigh.... Another expense expected down the road...

Now if only my family were a little more supportive. My Mum said my hair hardly looked cut at all! Psst! At least I know better, I got to see the hair collected on the floor after the cut. It's lighter, I feel better about it, and that's all I care about. =)p

Was going to go backward and write about the orientation and our night out at Zouk but maybe I'll leave it for tomorrow or something. Not really in the mood to write a whole lot today. Till the next time, ciao!

I scribbled at ;; 2:16 PM

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Saturday was a really busy day for me.


Am actually learning to drive but am quite behind my brother in progress, mainly because I hadn't gone for my Basic Theory Evaluation and couldn't book for my BTT as a result of that. Hate having to go down to BBDC time and again so I booked myself in for all two Final Theory lessons as well as the evaluation. I passed for the evaluation! Finally booked the test date, if nothing goes wrong, will be able to start the practical lessons after the 20th!

Maybe it cause I was in a good mood or it might just simply be because I've been saving up money for so long, on a whim I went shopping in Bugis. I walked around intially looking for my recent fetish (a cheap and good sports bra) but having found none to my liking, I ended buying a whole load of stuff from The Face Shop. A mask, some serum, facial blotters, a nail file, nail polish, a make up remover, it was almost as if I had gone crazy. Turns out that it was quite a worthy buy, been using the products and they seem to work quite well for me. Glad that I didn't have to suffer from post-purchase dissonance. *chuckles*

While I was still walking around in Seiyu and considering going home, received a msg from Zhixian. After a few back and forth msgs we decided to meet in Orchard after I'd reached home to put down my purchases, freshen up and wash the laundry.

Saw a six year old boy playing on the drums on my way to Paragon to meet the girls. I was so impressed! He's only six and he's already so talented and so good at beating the drums! His name is Ethan Ong, think he will definitely have a very bright future when he grows up. Was playing to a very familiar song. Asked my brother and then realised it was actually a song from Hillsong called One Way. Hmm... Nice song. =)

We ate in Ding Tai Fung! Was really quite an experience going there during peak hours. They were so... efficient! The food just kept coming and once we finished they started clearing. Really don't lose any time huh? Oh ya! Must remember to return the $14 I owe Xinrong tomorrow when we meet again...

Went off to Birkinstock to look for footwear. My sandals are quite badly ruined and was hoping to look for a replacement but simply couldn't decide on what to choose. In the end I didn't manage to buy a pairat all. Sigh... Hopefully will be able to find a pair tomorrow! Will probably go buy the Clark Shoes in Taka though. It seems that is the only pair I'm truly happy with.

Meeting Xinrong and Zhixian and their friend Ruru tomorrow for K-Lunch. After that, will be meeting Adrian and the com in the evening. Hope it goes well at the meeting!

I scribbled at ;; 11:41 AM

Decided to chop up my orginal massive post into a couple of smaller posts, otherwise it would be just too messy to be true...

Wed 29th June

For the first time since I've begun teaching him sometime last year, Jason really got me angry. Ok, maybe angry's too strong a word for me to use to describe how I felt, it was more, hurt and disappointed...

Before school closed, Jason showed me his report book and it was less than satisfactory. Been attempting to get him to take his work more seriously and hand in his assigned work on time but this proves to be a long uphill process. Hence, I started a stars programme for him. The idea of it was that everytime he hands in his work on time, he would get a star, for more difficult tasks like compo and compre, if it's completely done, I sometimes would offer him a bonus star. Once he reaches the target of 50 stars, he can make a request for a gift (something not too ex of course) from me as an encouragement.

A few weeks ago I realised that he quite likes Star Wars. Was talking to him and asked if he'd seen Episode 4 before. Apparently he hadn't and was very eager to borrow it. I agreed, upon condition that he consistently hands in his work for some time.

On Wed, he asked about it. Unfortunately, every week there seems to at least be one assignment that he hadn't gotten in on time. Makes sense for me to reject him right? I tried explaining to him that no, I will not lend him till he's shown me he can hand in his work on time. I don't assign of work actually. If what I assigned happened to be a compo or compre, that's all he gets for the week. Aside from that, he gets 3 to 4 pages of Maths, which is a manageable amount for him, and then a few pages of Chinese. No Science whatsoever. Only English is due on Wednesdays, Chinese and Maths on Sundays so it frustrates me when he does not complete his work on time. This time, his homework happened to be a compo. It was not done at all.

I tried explaining to him that I would lend it to him, provided that I see that he had gotten in his work consistently for 2 weeks, I even relented and said I was even willing to give in, as long for one week, his work is completely in, then I would lend it to him. At this point, he cried.

It's actually not the first time he cried. Everytime he felt tired or could feel the pressure at all for not handing in at all, he'd break into silent tears and refuse the tissue I hand him. I want to feel sorry for him but at the same time I don't wish to be manipulated into giving in and allowing him to do as he wants. In the end, five mins before the lesson was supposed to end, he stalked away angrily.

It was the first time he left like that. It got me very upset because although I technically hadn't done anything wrong, I felt guilty for making him cry. I was in part angry with myself. I left a message for him to read about what I thought of his behaviour and left.

On Sunday, for the first time since I had begun teaching him, I felt like I didn't want to make my way there. I felt like despite my best efforts, he just isn't that interested. Yet, I didn't wnat to give up on him, not when I have seen students who are genuinely uninterested in Timothy's. He's a nice kid, a bit lazy but a great student overall...

In the end, he gave me quite the surprise yesterday. He completed Wednesday's assignment before time and did his work due on Sunday. Think he did feel a tiny bit of remorse then. Was really happy that he at least put in a bit of effort. =) I happened to bring along episode 4, was thinking that I might want to make peace with him if he's completed his work. Lent it to him after all. Hope he appreciates that rewards are meant to award effort. Hope he continues to strive to work hard. Have rather high hopes for this kid, got room for improvement...

I scribbled at ;; 10:23 AM

Can you believe it's been an entire week since I came back from Amara? Time sure flies by...

In some ways, our stay in Amara did feel a bit lame this year. When we three were much younger, Ma used to take us to Amara annually. During the week we're there we would visit all the interesting places in Singapore, have fun, take pictures, relax, basically have a tour around Singapore as if we were tourists ourselves. Back then, it was always so much fun. Now, Ma's work is more hectic, I sometimes have to teach, Di has his own commitments and training, and Kor has NS, just makes it that much more difficult to coordinate amongst us. Ended with Di being there most of the time, me there sometimes, Ma there a day or two, Kor only there on Sat...

Ma mentioned that it seemed that the suite's smaller now. I think really the suite had always been around that size, the difference is that we have all grown since our last trip there so the place just feels relatively smaller (since it's meant as a perk it really wouldn't have made any sense for them to offer a larger one to us). She's right about the couch though, would be nice if the couch were still around, would have been one extra place to crash on...

Nevertheless it was still a great opportunity for us to spend time together. =) Before Amara, I can't recall the last time the four of us sat round to eat a leisurely meal together. The buffet we managed to go to on that Sat gave us that opportunity. It gave us to reason to make time for each other and have really family time you know? Can't express how much I really appreciate that....

Next year we'll probably have to plan ahead and make better arrangements. Maybe take Dequan's suggestion, split it up and have a few days each and maybe have one or two 'family days'. Hmm... We'll see...


Went K-Lunch with Xinrong and Zhixian on the Tuesday of that week. Was really fun as usual! The food for once came early and wasn't half bad. Probably finally decided that it's not worth it to always have to think up new things to serve...

Xinrong really has a great voice, as well as a lot of confidence. I can sing, but I simply lack the confidence to believe I can sing well. I waver, all the time. Besides, I really don't listen to Chinese songs all that often, so most of the newer Chinese songs that I sorta know would have been introduced to me by Xinrong or TV ads. ;p Wished they had more English song selections nad a more comprehensive song selector for English songs. One like the one they have for Chinese songs. Would be infinitely easier to find songs that way.

I teared when Rong was singing Ye Zi by Ah Sang and then again when she was singing Tong Hua. The MTVs were just so sad that I got very affected emotionally. Zhixian had to pass me a tissue twice, it was totally embarrassing! Nowadays, I get affected by notions of death very easily. It reminds me of things that I'd rather forget but most likely never would.....

Went shopping around Kino and just generally around Taka. Wonders of wonders, we actually bumped into Yaozong and Zixu. Was pleasantly surprised that Yaozong still remembers me, it has been years since we've met after all. Really great to see them, it's not everyday we get to see old schoolmates on the street.


Hoping we do get to meet up for a primary school gathering sometime soon. There seems to be talk of it but nothing's confirmed so far. Maybe it was a self-fufilling prophecy, it happened that the last gathering we had was the one at Mrs Ng's place on Chu San of the Lunar New Year 2003. Legend has it that that's not a really good day for gatherings as San1 sounds near to san4 which means to separate. I'm not good at organising at all, and so far, I don't see much confirmed responses online. Sigh... Might not materialise after all.....

Hope for the best and pray that we can arrange something. Really hoping to see how's everyone doing now...

I scribbled at ;; 4:40 AM

The Girl


27 going on 70

Craves .

Ice Cream . Freedom . Happiness . Companionship . Restfulness



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