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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Wanted to show Peixuan the picture that I loved the most in her album, think it shows her in a great light. What do you think?

This is the one.

Think it's really the light and the smile, so endearing and beautiful.

Peixuan ar, please tell Keith that he really looks much younger when he's dressing down, and especially when he's wearing his specs, look so young! He really looks quite different in formal and non-formal clothing. Think he's more harmless than I thought too. Can tell cos of his family, his Dad looked like he's a really nice person. Nice Dad so theoretically should be nice son too.

Love your apartments! So nice! Wish I could afford to live alone for awhile too, would be a refreshing change. But think if I really get that kind of luxury in no time it'll be a pig sty so before I can afford to hire an Auntie to help out at home, I'll leave all thoughts of living alone in my dreams... ;p

Nothing much left to add but these 2 pics, Aunt took them of me to 'test drive' the camera she borrowed from my other aunt. Ignore the icky nightie will ya? Was having a late dinner and these were meant to be candid camera.

Think I look quite cheery in these and it shows that I'm really quite happy these days so don't be worried for me Jiahui! I'm doing fine, honest! I'm sleeping better too these days cos of the lethargy, which, in a warped way is actually a pretty good thing for me.

Will work hard and try to play hard too! Take care everyone and live life to the fullest! Cheers!

P/s Ignore the white light ya? It's just my Aunt's finger. ;D

I scribbled at ;; 7:57 PM

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Whoa! Read through my past few entries and realised I really haven't been updating anything about my life properly this past month!

Am apologising to anyone who's counting on this blog to know what's going on in my life and will try to update on all the key events ya?

Am officially employed now by a company called Teledirect Pte Ltd as a customer service representative. We are the third party vendor for a rather prestigious company and I must say that I really have been enjoying myself these past weeks since I've started work. I have the most helpful, humourous, interesting, kind, amiable... (the list goes on) colleagues. I LOVE the products of my company. I LOVE the challenge of being a pioneer in my company and learning everything. Hmm... Think I've suddenly found back the competitive me after having that side of me be dormant for almost 11 years...

The only, ONLY, downside of my job is the pay. I'm not going to elaborate, but suffice it to say that it is less than satisfactory. As a result of that, I went on to an interview with another company today for a similar position. I have super conflicting feelings about this, I feel like a traitor (already) but at the same time I can totally agree with my colleagues on the issue. Asked for the advice of a few colleagues and they feel that we should always keep an eye open for greener pastures. They totally understand where I am coming from and they encourage me to stop thinking too much about it and just go ahead and take it a step at a time, fret about it only if I do get the new job.

To be honest, I really don't wish to leave my job. Though the location's bad (it's in Chai Chee Technopark), the whole environment, the colleagues, the bosses, the training, it's all tip top. I can truly say that I'm ENJOYING my work. It's tough though, with that pay, I'll want to continue to teach on the side, and it's really tiring to be rushing back every other day from the office. I'm hoping with a better pay I can stop the moonlighting, which aside from being tiring, makes me uncomfortable on the account that I am not fully committed to my actual job.

Still, though if I get the new job I'll be more comfortable financially, a small, tiny part of me wishes I'll fail in my application. If that happens, I won't have the dilemma anymore, will I?

I scribbled at ;; 6:43 PM

Monday, September 18, 2006

Hi Peixuan!

Since I can't send you a letter thought to just write a letter on my blog to you!

I'm glad you're settling down well over there. I'm not so worried about you, you have great colleagues with you (and I mean this seriously! This is NOT meant as a tease about Keith ;p)

Hey, I hope you're not too offended by my incessant grins last Sat. I don't mean to tease you so much and if you recall, I really didn't say much at all about it! But I guess it was all in my body language.

Seriously though, I truly agree with what your sis said about the issue. She mentioned it's all about the personality. No matter how good you look together and all, eventually it really all boils down to how well you two can get along and all. Wouldn't encourage office romance myself, especially in your case, as you'll be working really closely with each other and it'd be awkward if it doesn't work out, but if really yuan fen ruo zhen de lai le, dang ye dang bu zhu. Anyway, all the best to all 4 of you ya? Hope your Chinese colleague got there alright too.

Take care and I promise I'll try to blog more so that you can get to know what's happening in my life. All the best and will write another 'letter' again next time!

Warmest Regards,

PS. Aiyah, if you'll had known, could have brought one roll of toilet paper with you'll, don't have to waste money and buy there. ;D

I scribbled at ;; 9:22 PM

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A million apologies Xinrong!!!

I'm terribly sorry about today and at this moment I'm trying to gauge whether if you might be home yet so that I may call to apologise personally.

Know it was terrible of me to keep you waiting like that, especially when I have no means to contact you to inform you of how late I might be. When you first called me on the public phone, I'd just reached Chinatown after having left Spotlight in Plaza Singapura. There wasn't anything there to my liking and I thought I would have some time left, since you were expected to end probably around one. Never expected at all that you were already in City Hall by about 12.15pm!

On hindsight I should have just left Chinatown immediately to go search for you in City Hall but it was so important for me to go buy the stuff. I was desperate to find it so I might be able to finish the project on time. I'm terribly sorry that I neglected you in such an abominable manner...

I know you said it was ok but I'm sure you were horribly pissed if not a little angry with me. Nothing I say can justify my mistake but can I at least treat you to a meal or ice cream the next time to make up for it?

It's all my fault, and I was the one to invite you out today somemore. Terribly paiseh... Forgive me? Please?

I scribbled at ;; 2:28 PM

I've been wanting to recommend everyone some books and authors I've come across so far but haven't gone around to do so. Or have I already? Oh well, I can't remember, so if I've already recommended one of these books already, bear with me ya?

The Time Traveler's Wife
Audrey Niffenegger

Came across this book when I was walking around in Kinokuniya with my family one day and popped down on another occasion to buy it. You could say that this book brought on my now ongoing fascination and obsession with books. Took me only two and a half days to finish this book! The most interesting thing is even my brother quite liked this book. Will have to ask him to give me the book back so I can read it again. It's going to be out as a movie around 2008! Imagine my surprise at that. Now this is one movie I'm not going to miss. Not sure if I should add a sypnopsis near or not, but I had best not ruin it for you'll. Suffice it to say that it's a love story that's romantic yet kind of qi mei...

Rating: 4 Belgian Chocolate Lattes

The Moon on a Stick
Valerie-Anne Baglietto

Came across this book by accident in the library and really loved it. There wasn't that much development of the love story between the characters but the characters were very real and overall, it was a great read. Here's the standard sypnopsis on Amazon.com.

Amy Croft thinks she's settled for life. She has Nick Burnley's engagement ring, and their three adorable little boys. If Nick seems slow to set a date for the wedding, Amy's grudgingly willing to wait. But then she finds out he's taken the plunge - with someone else. Suddenly Amy needs three things she thought she already had - a home, financial security and a soul mate. Will she find everything she's always longed for, all over again?

Rating: 3 Belgian Chocolate Lattes

True Love (and Other Lies)
She Myself & I
Whitney Gaskell

These two books were again rare treasures found in the library. Modern literature, very light read, very interesting. Finished the books in no time. Am waiting to set my grubby hands on the her new book that'll probably only reach our shores by next year. Sigh... Will have to wait...

Here's the sypnosis again for one of these books.

A sharp, witty novel about destiny, friendship, and soul-sucking jobs . . .

Travel writer Claire Spencer doesn't believe in Fate, much less any part of that fairy-tale Prince Charming love-at-first-sight crap. Between the boyfriend who first dumped her, then fled the country to get away from her, and her parents' vicious divorce, Claire doesn't exactly have any successful relationship role models.

So when Claire ends up sitting next to a sexy American expatriate on a flight from New York to London and he asks her out, she figures there has to be a catch. After all, full-figured Claire hardly falls into the current stick-thin beauty ideal, and men haven't exactly been beating down her door.

But after years of disappointing dates, nightmare setups, and a bastard of an ex-boyfriend, Claire may finally have met the man of her dreams. It's almost enough to make a girl start believing in destiny. The only catch? Someone else got to him first, and Claire can't believe who it is . . .

Rating: 3 Belgian Chocolate Lattes

That's all folks! Enjoy the read if you come across them!

I scribbled at ;; 8:39 AM

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hehe, to all of my dear friends who were worried about me for the past few days, I must sincerely apologise and I'm glad to announce that I'm feeling much better now. Nothing that a good cry and some old fashioned sulking cannot cure. It's a good thing Singaporeans are so apathetic, with their eyes looking straight ahead at nothing, don't think I could have coped with it if someone came up to me to ask me if anything's wrong. Much easier to walk it off slowly and let the crying taper off on it's own... ;p

Was really great being able to meet up with Eunice and all! Was in a weird mood that day and didn't really say much but it was wonderful to be able to hear from everyone. Am impressed by Fullerton actually, their service is indeed not bad. I was half afraid they would insist that I take the chocolate buffet that everyone else was having. I am quite fond of chocolate but I'm afraid I'm not so fond of it to actually be able to enjoy a buffet of it. That aside, the price is also a factor so I'm ever grateful that they allowed me to order something ala carte so that I could enjoy this outing with my friends yet not eat all that much choc.

Cheered up considerably today. Must be a combination effect of seeing my cute students, the coffee I drank and my being able to help an auntie in a supermarket. Saw a DiDi trying to help an old auntie to locate what she wanted to find in NTUC, she wanted to look for 'jia gong hun' but the DiDi, though helpful, kind of led her to find some other corn products instead. Pondered for 10 secs and decided to kay poh a bit and brought the corn flour to her. Really made me very happy. It's nice to be able to help someone else once in awhile, feel more useful that way.

Am going shopping tomorrow again, but not for clothes this time. Wonder if I may find what I want? Wish me luck ya?

Till the next time, ciao...

I scribbled at ;; 10:44 PM

The Girl


27 going on 70

Craves .

Ice Cream . Freedom . Happiness . Companionship . Restfulness



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