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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Heard about this production over the radio last week and I really think I'm going to go watch this. Asked the girls and they seem to be ok with watching it too. It's $25 per person before the SISTIC charges, you'll still keen on going? If anyone's interested please tell me k? Am likely going to go book a ticket soon! Am so excited! Haven't got a chance to watch a theatre production in ages! SO excited!! Hope it's going to be better or at least as good as expected...


By Cake Theatrical Production

26 - 28 October 2006, 8pm


Drama Centre Black Box

(at National Library, Level 5)

ANTIGONE doesn't like the new ruler. She's gonna take things into her own hands and she ain't gonna back down!!!

AUNTY reflects upon her life of servitude to her pig of a husband and bum of a daughter. She decides to diss them and take back her life!!!

MARGUERITE was stared at everywhere she went. But she snapped her fingers and kept strutting!!!

Written and directed by Natalie Hennedige, and performed by Lim Kay Siu, Neo Swee Lin, Jean Ng, Karen Tan & Andree Weschler, CHEEK is a bold re-make of of Sophocles' Antigone. In this rebirth, triplets are conceived - let's just say Aunty and Marguerite are distant relatives of Antigone and the same blood runs through their veins.

CHEEK is set to be a refreshingly original whirlwind of a show, which fuses popular culture, found and original text."

I scribbled at ;; 10:00 PM

Was recommended by Rong this website which features fortune telling. My brother doesn't think it is very zhun3 for him but I find that it does apply to a certain extent for me. What do you think?


Your sign is Sun in Chinese Horoscope

Your life is represented by the sun in spring, shining all over the place, but you are too busy helping others and leave no time for yourself. You are a person of passion and manners, and like wise and trustworthy people. As a person of sunshine, you are enthusiastic and generous, and also a leader type, not a follower.

Your characteristics, subconscious, and behavior modes, according to your fate and destiny, are represented by the sun. Bright, warmhearted, generous, and not fussy about details, you do not like to make small social circles and believe firmly in justice.

The sun is the leader in the sky, so you have natural leadership ability, and the desire and dedication to perform and sacrifice as long as you have the respect and support from others. The sun shines everywhere, so you also like to be fair and make sure everyone is covered and shares the profit. The sun revolves regularly everyday in its orbit, so you are a very disciplined person who rarely quits halfway, and no one can force you to do something you don't want to do.

You like honest individuals who keep their promises, dislike opinionated people, and admire peope with artistic talent and those who can enrich your spirit. Your entire life is like the sun, subject to public focus and attention, yet striving relentlessly. The sun in the cold winter is the most difficult time of your life, but you can bear it and flourish eventually.

I scribbled at ;; 9:52 PM

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

What started as just a harmless inside joke kind of grew beyond my expectations but I'm glad it's kind of blown over now. Those relevant little parts were just meant to be little giggle points for the insiders, and I guess (due to a lack of foresight) I never ever thought I'd get caught with my pants down. It stops being funny when the person being giggled at realises the giggling is going on...

I seriously thought only the select few have access to my blog (not many ppl have my blog addy) but it's a small world and everyone's linked up somehow, should have taken note of that... It's ok for ANYONE to read my blog, just never expected this you know...

Had I thought of that I would have tried to be a bit more sensitive and at least encode my statements so that it's not so obvious. I'm mostly straightforward, sometimes sarcastic but never intentionally malicious. Don't read too much into what I write, I mean exactly what I say.

Anyway, the relevant party has gotten my reply so am going to hide that entry away until I get the official 'it's ok' from the authorities. Tried my best to make it subtle but still am worried that it might have implied too much.

This is my official closing statement for this saga.


I scribbled at ;; 10:30 PM

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sigh.... Alas, being judgemental is an occupational hazard that I cannot avoid, apologise to the slighted party for putting him in a bad, even angry, mood but I've done my best to explain my position for the situation.....

It's just a personal view, it's not the whole world, so please, by all means, ignore me, ya?

I scribbled at ;; 10:17 PM

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I kept forgetting there's one more thing that I wanted to blog about!!

Had a nice Friday night out for once finally. Met up with Jac, Rong and Xian and had a great time. Though Cafe Cartel was slow and abominable in service, Wine Company was relaxing and beautiful and Balaclava was interesting to say the least. Bala will remain in my mind now as the sacred place of merlions and not cleanly shaven, ham sup los... (*winks to the ppl who know what I mean)

I loved the atmosphere of Wine Company. The trees, in the shadowy light of the candles and the occasional spotlight, really looks magnificent. We drank an Italian white wine that Jac recommended. It was so sweet and tasty I could have taken it all but as it was, three glasses were enough to give me a tiny rash that has lasted till today. Here's a description of the wine that I got from Wine Company's website.

Piedmont - Porta Rossa Moscato d’Asti NV DOCG
Made from 100% Muscadelle grapes, the wine is light straw yellow in colour. An aromatic wine with a flowery bouquet. The slight fizz gives the wine the zest that it is known for. The low alcohol content makes this the ideal tipple for casual occasions.
(Alc. 5.0%)

It was truly a lovely time... I really can't get over the overwhelmingly relaxing mood the place puts me into. So leisurely... I could have nua-ded there all night and not leave till dawn but alas, we had to go to a second spot to join Xian's friends.

One of her friends' friend was leaving for Japan I think, so we joined them at Bala. Only got to know a few of them but it was nice, meeting new people and talking to them about things in general. Am trying to learn the art of small talk, I'm not such a good small talker and I don't make well for conversation or entertainment. Lapsed into silence I think at some point near one cos of lethargy and also cos of a sms I received that asked when I'll be home...

Bala's not quite so much for me I think, people only go there to drink and talk, but I can do neither. Drink more than one or two and I'll become a monkey cos of my allergy to alcohol, talk too vocally and I'll offend others. Sigh... I'm better off going to dancing clubs or atmospheric wine bars rather than normal bars I guess.

Was really nice meeting Eugene and Remus, but hope NEVER EVER to see Jeffrey again. All the Best to Kiat in Japan and hope we get to all hang out again. =D

I scribbled at ;; 11:56 AM

Am thinking to go get a new phone cos the old one is cranky and needs to be retired but boy is it a chore to go get one. 3 weeks I've been trying to get this done but it keeps getting screwed up somehow. I'm getting impatient with myself, I like to get purchases done chop chop you know, let it be done and over with so that I don't have to worry about it again for the next(hopefully, if no breakdowns occur) two years or so. Think it all boils down to the fact that what I want is not what I need, and in any case, what I want is what I can't afford.

When you ask me what I need, damn, what I need, REALLY need is just a phone that won't die on me in a few months, is user friendly, is relatively affordable and that has a camera function. (just for that extra perk that I've restrained myself from having in the past, everyone's gone on to cams and 3G and I'm stuck in prehistoric age)

What I want though, actually, I'm the sort who believes that we should buy the best that we can afford so that if we use it for two years, the phone still won't be considered that lao pok even as technology changes in the speed of light. Unfortunately, that for me, is a luxury now. I don't care much for 3G actually, so that can be excluded but it would be nice if the function of the camera can be better so I can use the phone for a camera sometimes. The digital camera age has been around so long but I've never bought one for myself before. Is it cos I don't like to take pictures? No, not really. Actually I like to be the one to take the pics so that the memory is in MY memory card so that I can have the pics to keep and not always have to mafan others to send the pics to me or something. I can't though, and because of the way I prioritise my purchases I think I might not own a digicam until 5 yrs later. Hopefully by then I would have happily made it higher in ranks in my company and would be earning a better pay so that such a purchase wouldn't be considered a she1 chi3...

Now? Now I'm just going to settle with a phone that is within what I need and not what I want. Next time, when I feel I'm financially well off enough to think of giving myself a treat, I'll go for what I want. Target time: Two years down the road. ;D

I scribbled at ;; 11:37 AM

Was crawling around on the Net and something I saw made me have a little bit of gan chu... Sometimes, as time passes and affinity ends, all traces of us having ever been around gets erased off... All that is left is perhaps the memories in our hearts, and even that fades off with time...

Wish life is less cruel... Wish I were less passive... Looked at my friendster list and it says that I have got 100 friends, I don't know how true is that. I believe I probably have one hundred acquaintances, we chat briefly should we meet but we don't really make the effort to catch up with each other. We're just not that very interested in each others lives. I sometimes do think of some of these friends, now and then I think of contacting them, but really, how many of them do wish to keep in contact with me? It would be like that time when I chatted with a so and so online, there was no flow and conversation was completely stilted, unfortunate but always the case when the distance gets to us.

Wish I were a better friend, or even a better student for that matter, and really REALLY take the effort to keep in touch and keep my friends, teachers and shifus close to not just my heart but my person... However, I'm ultimately just that lazy person who stops at thinking and wondering...

I scribbled at ;; 11:28 AM

The Girl


27 going on 70

Craves .

Ice Cream . Freedom . Happiness . Companionship . Restfulness



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