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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

It's been exactly one week since my Grandma's been hospitalised in Tan Tock Seng Hospital again for the 2nd time this year.

She was going to the toilet in the middle of the night and suddenly she lost control of her faculties and collapsed. Even though the maid was right behind her she could not stop her fall, only managed to cushion part of her fall. I supposed it was really very fortunate that it wasn't more serious than it is right now. She fractured her arm and her hip area and she might need surgery. The doctors are still trying to determine whether it is safe for her to have the surgery considering her age. The estimated recuperation period this time will be around 2-3 months.

The last time she fell it was so bad that she suffered from temporary amnesia and up till now she has not regained her full mental faculties. She still has a bit of difficulty expressing herself though she can recognise us all now.

Was so worried when I received the news that she fell again last week. In my heart I was really worried that this time would be worse than the last. Thank God it was not as serious.

My brothers were just as worried when they heard but that was in part cos of my Mother's way of informing them. To simply msg that your Grandma is warded in hospital without giving more info on her condition is really ominous.

Now almost every evening will visit TTSH before I head home. Can't believe I'm a regular there again.

Hope my Grandma will get better soon, can tell she really misses home...

I scribbled at ;; 9:43 PM

Monday, September 17, 2007

Ok, really had a very weird experience today. Never knew that army camps can be so dark and gloomy.

My brother the Blur King forgot to bring something important when he went back to camp yesterday as a result I had to become his personal courier woman. Geez, thank God for taxis cos if the taxi uncle wasn't with me I'll likely be scared out of my wits.

The Seletar Camp is so dark and scary at night!! I remembered asking my bro to msg me with the directions of exactly how to reach the guard house too bad he's not too good at taking directions. Luckily I was in a cab so when we went to the wrong place the uncle could still drive me to another place to try. Thank God again that we were relatively lucky. I truly believe in sixth sense now. The uncle was going to drive forward to who knows where but with sheer good sense and instinct to guide me I managed to ask the Uncle to try the small lane with light at the end.

And There Was Light!! I finally found the correct camp after going to another camp. Can't believe that when I asked the boys from the other camp they couldn't even help to provide the least bit of directions. Pointing to the horizon really doesn't provide any help, especially in the dark. Was extremely lucky to find the place when I did. The Uncle even mentioned that there was no guard house in sight. And indeed, the Guard House wasn't obvious at all, it was inside the gates and luckily there was some tel no. on the gate otherwise what should I do? Climb the gates?

Luckily I finally managed to complete the mission and passed the document on to the Guard House officer. Am going to offer my bro a piece of my mind for leaving me stranded like that. Hmmph...


Encode Decode
Can you guess what unit I went?
Love Old Girls In Skimpy Tight Icky Coloured Skirts

I scribbled at ;; 10:17 PM

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Ok, again it's been ages since I last blogged. Have accumulated a thousand thoughts that I would like to put in writing, so much so that I don't even know where to start...

Thanks to my subtle hints and guilting, I finally got myself a new baby of my own. After a long time of borrowing the laptops of my brothers I've finally gotten my very own PC!! YEAH!!!

This means I probably can start blogging more regularly and if I don't, hmm... That probably will be because I'm far too lazy to type...

Must scold me if I let this space gather so much dust again k?


Went watching a movie with my colleagues today. Really quite enjoyed it! Hairspray has loads of catchy songs which made me itch to stand up and dance together with them. I miss dancing, I mean really dancing. The last couple of times I appeared at a night scene it was really boring. What's the fun in dancing yourself and watching the rest of the crowd stand around? It's like, huh? I'm here to dance but am I the only one interested in doing that?

Anyway back to Hairspray, it didn't have much of a romantic plot but it was funny and entertaining all the same. Would love to get the VCD, just so I can learn their moves. Can then go show off on MAMBO night, if anyone of my peers still go dancing at ZOUK on Wednesdays...


This reminds me of my most recent clubbing experience. We were officially going to be split up as a team (kind of) and so by the recommendation of my colleagues we went to a nightspot called Ixxxxx (name of club will be protected in case I get sued, hahaha...)

Invited one of my best friends to come join us but I really ended up wishing I hadn't. It was really nothing like all the other joints I've been before. It was really SHOCKING and a 100% eye-opener for me. I thought it was like a normal club with a live band but it was really much like a club for expats and "professional ladies". I can't begin to explain how freaked out I was. I finally know what the expression mu4 gua1 yuan2 means. There were so many of them well-endowed women and there were so many foreigners. The music was so loud and when I was trying to call my friend to ask her to not bother to come join us I even stumbled upon a nook where there was a God the ladies prayed to for good business. The lady was adjusting her breasts (not her bra k her breasts) right next to me! *stage faint*

I think I really am a faint hearted person and really far too uptight. I was completely scandalised for awhile but I think I was more freaked by the no of foreigners there than the no of professional ladies I saw. xiao3 ti2 da4 zuo4 is really what described me then. While I cooled down and relaxed after awhile I was still extremely embarrassed that I asked my best friend to come by. It was definitely not what I had expected and I can't imagine that she enjoyed being there at all. Really SORRY Xian! Next time let's go to a place we can really dance the night away k?


Ok, I really don't know how I managed to stray so far when I was wanting to talk about a movie I watched. Just goes to show how many brimming thoughts I have in that brain of mind. I've used up the RAM and urgently need to backup some data on an external hard drive otherwise I'll drive myself crazy with my thoughts!!

Have plenty more to write but guess I'll leave some for another day. Better go and sleep today so I can tackle another day of work. Weekend is completely packed up and won't possibly get any rest so I better get some sleep now while I can.


Goodnight everyone and promise I'll blog again very VERY soon.......


I scribbled at ;; 11:20 PM

The Girl


27 going on 70

Craves .

Ice Cream . Freedom . Happiness . Companionship . Restfulness



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